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door moynesyt5
zo apr 04, 2010 13:02
Forum: Projecten
Onderwerp: 75 Rally Car - UK
Reacties: 16
Weergaves: 5047

RE: 75 Rally Car - UK

A few more photos with the paint finished. Going to put on the works white graphics this week and having a set od wheels powder coated in white. Hoping to lift the rear springs over the next few days, as it's sitting too low at the rear. Just need to install the pedal box and brake lines and then ge...
door moynesyt5
za mar 20, 2010 23:57
Forum: Projecten
Onderwerp: 75 Rally Car - UK
Reacties: 16
Weergaves: 5047

RE: 75 Rally Car - UK

A few more
door moynesyt5
za mar 20, 2010 23:44
Forum: Projecten
Onderwerp: 75 Rally Car - UK
Reacties: 16
Weergaves: 5047

RE: 75 Rally Car - UK

Hopefully a few photo's I've built the car from a bare shell, 24v V6 with GoTech Pro X ECU, Jenvey throttle bodies, Gaz coil over suspension, full welded in cage,...
door moynesyt5
za mar 20, 2010 23:23
Forum: Projecten
Onderwerp: 75 Rally Car - UK
Reacties: 16
Weergaves: 5047

RE: 75 Rally Car - UK

Thanks, i'm off to upload some photo's.

The English are very, very lazy when it comes to speaking languages, so we are so lucky most European countries are not as lazy as us.

Hope to post some photo's soon.

door moynesyt5
za mar 20, 2010 22:52
Forum: Projecten
Onderwerp: 75 Rally Car - UK
Reacties: 16
Weergaves: 5047

RE: 75 Rally Car - UK

Ok I'll loose the english to dutch web page. Probably terrible translation, just thought as a typical Englishman not being able to speak another language, I'd at least try!

How do I post photo's on the site, so I can add some to the thread.


door moynesyt5
za mar 20, 2010 19:07
Forum: Projecten
Onderwerp: 75 Rally Car - UK
Reacties: 16
Weergaves: 5047

RE: 75 Rally Car - UK

Thanks Dominic that is a great help. I can't believe they do everything!

Dankt Dominic die een grote hulp is. Ik kan niet geloven zij alles doen! Dave
door moynesyt5
za mar 20, 2010 10:25
Forum: Projecten
Onderwerp: 75 Rally Car - UK
Reacties: 16
Weergaves: 5047

RE: 75 Rally Car - UK

Dank. EMC die verkoopt hen niet rent, hoewel hun website zegt zij! Ik ken Wayne die EMC vrij goed bezit. Dank voor de verbinding, I' ll probeer en krijg één of andere photo' s van de auto op deze pagina later vandaag. Dave Thanks. EMC Racing do not sell the spoiler, although their website says they ...
door moynesyt5
vr mar 19, 2010 17:19
Forum: Projecten
Onderwerp: 75 Rally Car - UK
Reacties: 16
Weergaves: 5047

75 Rally Car - UK

Hallo Ik ben de bouw een 75 auto van de tarmacverzameling in het UK, en wil ik of weet iedereen vragen waar ik de achterspoiler IMSA voor 75 kan kopen? Ik zal één of andere photo' proberen en posten; s later vandaag. Dank Dave Hi I am building a 75 tarmac rally car in the UK, and I want to ask if an...

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