Fernando Reali van 1:43 handbouw firma BBR waarschuwt voor namaak modellen, die haast niet van echte BBR's zijn te onderscheiden
afkomstig uit China. In dit geval gaat het om Ferrari modellen aangeboden voor te lage prijzen. In plaats van de > € 160-180+ categorie.
De Chinese A&N Model Alfa 155, die regelmatig langs komen op E-bay, vallen wellicht ook in deze categorie versus de originele Antonette 43 Japan uitgaven ?.
Die-cast voorserie of B keus Alfa's zijn al een bekend Chinees fenomeen, de A kwaliteit is later te vinden in de bekende kiosk series of
bij Edison , M4 of Pego.
Na het ongezoute copieeren van de grote auto's 1:1 (Mini, Smart, BMW, SUV's etc.) richten de Chinese namakers zich ook op de kleine schalen
"Dear BBR Clients,
I am writing you myself because I want to advice you about the serious and damaging situation about the fake BBR models that I have personally seen during my trip to China last week.
Our brand is famous throughout the world and leader on the model market for the past 25 years, and now it is subject to a total faking.
The models are fake in all: box, base, label, guarantee certificate and unfortunately they are spreading in the market.
The problem is that the figures are exponentially increasing.
Here you can see two links with this kind of fake sales:
http://cgi.ebay.com/BBR-1-43-Ferrari-36 ... 7C294%3A50
http://cgi.ebay.com/BBR-1-43-Ferrari-EN ... 7C294%3A50
I really appreciate you to inform all your customers of this serious situation as well.
We are already proceeding lawfully to stop this problem.
I deeply thank you in advance for your effort in this matter.
Best regards
Fernando Reali
B.B.R. Exclusive car models s.r.l. "