2.1. Engine rebuilding
From the very beginning we must have things very clear: What we've got?, What do we need?, Is it viable? What should I do first, second..?
Order is needed!
Early 145 Cloverleaf mounted a 67.204 type engine which is slightly different from the 32.301 type fitted lately. Main differences among both ot them are as follows:
-Injectors rail and fuel pressure sensor
-Ignition coils (they differ in the connector)
-Aluminum vs. variable-length plastic intake manifold
-Exhaust manifold
-Camshaft position sensor and exhaust camshaft pulley
-Crankshaft position sensor
-Engine coolant temperature sensor
-Valves cover
-Mechanical vs ¨drive-by-wire¨ throttle body
-Air conditioning compressor and piping
-Serpentine drive belt (difference of 30 mm)
Many of these differences are easy to fix. For some of them a simple fitting is sufficient, other require imagination and the rest is free up more space under the hood.
We must also consider the total replacement of ABS module & brake pipes.
ECU, ABS and Selespeed modules are connected in a network they operate in together exchanging information. A failure or malfunction detected by one of them may limit another one´s functions. It is impossible to use the original 145 Cloverleaf ECU and ABS modules and therefore it´s better replace the entire electrical system. Change the engine management unit requires match the ignition switch key with transponder to CODE module in order to allow starting of the engine. As you can see everything is interrelated and therefore the best we can do is attach the new wires to the dimensions of our 145. Later on I´ll devote a whole section on this topic.
There we have the 145 Cloverleaf on my improvised ¨surgery¨ table. It´s not the cosiest workshop but it´s all what I have. It´s a shelter with a pit behind my summer house on the beach.
The car remained at this position over the pit for several days because I had no courage to destroy something working perfectly. Completely lost in my project dreams I had no idea where to start from. Moreover, the Selespeed gear box was a complete unknown to me. I take it off of a car I had no information about. (Later on I discovered that it had less than 50K miles!!!)
After several days of doubts and I decided to be brave!
Bottom view:
It is well-known that the 145 had several endemic leakage points.
Although the engine had an excellent appearance:
I started with the easiest: the air filter, front bumper, fenders, battery ....:
A close look of the intact beams. No accidents ever!
View of the gear box from below:
In fact this is a second-hand 1.6 TS gear box I fit when I bought the car because the original one was completely worn. It is also known that these gear boxes suffer from leakages due to low-quality seals and that´s why it´s strongly recommended to check the oil level very often in order to prevent future interior damages. A Cloverleaf gear box differs from the rest of 145´s range in larger 1st and 5th gear ratios and nowadays it is very difficult to find one in excellent conditions.
View from above:
You see the bunch of cables and hoses where in theory I should have to fit the Selespeed robot. I had no idea what to do with this!