Voor mijn alfa kennis Jim Kartalamkis hier aangeboden: een nieuwe set Catcams 1030912 voor de V6 24v.
Volledige gegevens zijn te vinden op de site van catcams
Vaste prijs E1200,- ex verzendkosten (~E70,- van Griekenland naar NL).
Volgens catcams site zijn dit 2.5 V6 24V nokkenassen: 10309xx narrow valve and lobe spacing.
Quote van de schrick site:
What camshaft do I need for normal road tuning?
If the vehicle is intended for normal street use, i.e. with a stable engine idle and the ability to pass an emissions test (idle to lower rpm range), it is important to consider a small valve lift at TDC. As a rule of thumb, for valve lift at TDC, the following applies: 2-valve engines with valve lash 2.3 mm, 4-valve engines with valve lash 1.5 mm, 2-valve engines with hydraulic lifter 1.9 mm, 4-valve engines with hydraulic lifter 1.1 mm. If these values are exceeded, the idle becomes increasingly unstable and the torque in the lower speed range decreases.