Zoals jullie wel weten heb ik een 75 te koop!
Ten gevolge van een artvertentie op marktplaats kreeg ik de volgende Mail:
Thanks so much for your reply.I am okay with the condition of the Car and also the price......I am ready to pay you, as i will like you to end the auction of this Car now due to my great interest in the Car.I will like you to know that I would have loved to come to your address to look at the Car myself but due to the nature of my work as a Marine Engineer I wont be able to do that because I am presently on the sea now..I am from ( Korte Noodgodsstraat 72801 RJ Gouda., Nederland ).I left Holland about 3 and half weeks ago. I spent most of my life time on the ship Traveling up and down around the world. I will be paying you through my PayPal account because it's attached to my bank account and its safe and very secure way to make payment or online bank transfer method of payment. Send me your paypal email address,(Paypal ID or money request from PayPal ) so i can pay in right away.Make sure you get back to me so that I can make the payment. I will contact private courier agent that will come for the pick up.
Mr Peter
Meneer heet voluit: Peter Froling.
Let ook op de postcode.
Als je hier op in gaat staat de koerier eerder voor de deur dan dat het geld op je rekening staat!!
Als je je auto dan meegeeft ben een auto kwijt en vang je geen geld!
Doe jullie voordeel hier mee!!
gr Jan